
ls is another basic command in unix. just type it and you will get the list of all the files, directories in your current directory (pwd)

:> ls
myDetails.txt websites.txt newDirectory

But which of these are files? which are directories? here names suggest which is a file and which is a folder. But what if its more difficult to understand?
simple... use the ls -lrt command.

:> ls -lrt
total 150000
drwxr-xr-x myself someusr 50000 Nov 1 2010 newDirectory
-rw-r--r-- myself someusr 50000 Dec 10 2011 websites.txt
-rwxr--r-- some1 someusr 50000 May 4 2012 myDetails.txt

The first line tells us the total size of the current directory
then as you can see, there are 6 columns that follow.
The first column tell you whether it is a directory or a file and what permissions it has (read chmod later)
The second column tells you about the user who has created the file/directory.
The 4th column tells us the size of the file/directory. (in bytes)
The next one tells on which date was it last modified.
The last column tells us the name.

(more commands coming here)


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