Why Java!?
Java is an Object Oriented Programming Language. This means that everything in Java is an Object, whose template is given by the Class. Object Oriented Programming Features in Java: 1. Encapsulation Keep variables private and methods public ie just capsule all the data in java 2. Polymorphism Showing many forms. In java this is achieved by overriding and overloading 3. Abstraction Hide the complex implementation hidden from the user and show only the required information 4. Inheritance In java inheritance can be achieved by either extending a class or implementing an interface Features of Java Purely OOPs based Simple to learn Robust - Exception handling and Garbage collection make life easy for a Java Developer Secure - No pointers and high security as it doesnot allow a web applet to read and write from to a file easily High Performance Multi-threading Platform independent and Architecture neutral - java is compile once and run anywhere