On the path to become a MEAN Developer - 1

I always wondered,
But MEAN-ness rescued me! Yay!

Oh well, not "being MEAN to somebody" but the MEAN Stack. ;)

I am going to blog about the entire learning curve. I have a windows development machine. You get it right! I am in for a lot of challenges coming up the way to installation on my windows machine.

Lets start with a brief on what a MEAN Stack is, what, who and why?

MEAN is a Full Stack for Web Application Development.
M - Mongo DB, a NoSQL database
E - Expressjs, a web application framework that runs on Nodejs
A - AngularJS, Javascript MVC framework that runs in browser Javascript engines
N - NodeJS, an execution environment for event-driven server side and networking application.

Did you get the best part of this stack? you need to know Java script to code to use this Stack! Only Javascript. One language to build it all.

Client is a browser with javascript engine. Thats it!

Though I say Javascript, I will be using Typescript. Typescript is modular, and if you are a java developer, feels like home. And plus its platform independent.

You will require npm, npm is a nodejs package manager which helps you install node packages. You can google more about it.

You will have to install node and mongo server. I have the following versions on my machine:

npm version 3.8.6
node version 6.0.0
mongo server 3.2

Add these to you classpath.

I will be using angularjs 2. (Latest is good no!)

LINKS for installation:
Mongo Server : https://www.mongodb.com/download-center
Node : https://nodejs.org/en/download/

LAMP Stack is Web Application development using Linux, Apache Server, MySQL Database and PHP/Perl/Python.


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