On the path to become a MEAN Developer - 2 (The N)
Part 1 is here: On the path to become a MEAN Developer - 1
Lets start by creating our very own node server.
Check if npm and node is properly installed on your machine
Go to the location of your choice.
Create a directory myapp. Goto myapp.
Type npm init. It will give you certain options. Default options are good to go.
A package.json file will be created.
Create a server.js file.
var http=require("http"),
var server=http.createServer(function(request, response){
response.writeHeader(200, {"Content-Type" : "text/plain"});
response.write("Hello world!");
console.log("server is listening on http://localhost:" + port);
To run the server,
>> node server.js
server is listening on http://localhost:1234
Hit http://localhost:1234 from your web browser, you should get Hello World as the output.
Lets start by creating our very own node server.
Check if npm and node is properly installed on your machine
Go to the location of your choice.
Create a directory myapp. Goto myapp.
Type npm init. It will give you certain options. Default options are good to go.
A package.json file will be created.
Create a server.js file.
var http=require("http"),
var server=http.createServer(function(request, response){
response.writeHeader(200, {"Content-Type" : "text/plain"});
response.write("Hello world!");
console.log("server is listening on http://localhost:" + port);
To run the server,
>> node server.js
server is listening on http://localhost:1234
Hit http://localhost:1234 from your web browser, you should get Hello World as the output.