Angular - Good to know facts for developers
- Setup angular app
- No restarting your application while development.
npm start
This command runs the Typescript compiler in "watch mode" - ie any changes you make to your code will automatically get reflected in the browser. Your code will get launched and when changes are made, the browser will refresh and display your changes.
- Manage dependencies using npm
Simply manage all your angular and angular app dependencies using npm - node package manager. node.js and npm are essentials for angular development, get them if you dont already have them.
- Separate devdependencies and dependencies
With Angular you can have separate development dependencies and separate deployment dependencies. You no longer need to worry about packaging you dev dependencies.
- angular-in-memory-web-api
It is an angular-supported library. You don't need an actual server or real HTTP calls. You can simulate the behavior using this library.
- bootstrap
A popular HTML and CSS framework which helps in designing responsive web apps.
- @angular/core
Includes Component, Directive, Dependency Injection, component lifecycle and all meta data decorators. It has the critical run time part of the framework
- @angular/common
The commonly needed services, pipes, and directives provided by the Angular team.
- @angular/compiler
You usually dont interact with the compiler directly but use the platform-browser-dynamic or the offline template compiler
- @angular/router
Contains the Component Router
- @angular/http
HTTP client of Angular
- system.js
A dynamic module loader compatible with the ES2015 module specification
- tsconfig.json
It is a guide to the compiler as it generates the JavaScript files.
- jasmine
- Deployment
Deployment guide here